At Kulungu for Congo, we are strong believers in investing in todays youth, for we know they will be tomorrows leaders. Our vision is to plant schools all across Congo, utilizing education as an avenue to introduce young Congolese to Jesus Christ. We want to train students to become successful, both professionally and spiritually. Our hope is that these children will grow to know and love Jesus more and continue to preach His word to the youth in their community.
Today in Congo, the village of Kingwangala doesn’t have access to suitable schools. Our strategy is to build a exceptional school that will give an opportunity to over 1,000 children to attend. A school equipped with qualified teachers and computer technology.
As of now, two of our class buildings are complete in Kingwangala! Beginning January 2021, we will be breaking ground on our third building- our Versatile Room. This specific structure will be utilized for parties, weddings, griefs, meetings, and as a state exam testing center.
We are eager to see life change in this community and are believing in a brighter future for the Kingwangala children.